The opinions expressed on this page are those of the humanoid writers of various publications, stations, and organizations. The stated views are not necessarily representative of this website, or the members of DESTINATION: EARTH!
"PLAY THE HITS OF THE FUTURE" CD DJ JOHNSON, COSMIK DEBRIS E-ZINE More fun, thundering surf/spy/spacerock from the 23rd century, brought to us by a trio of aliens who have come back in time to give us the ultimate sneak preview at a greatest hits album. At least that's what they claim, and as they're aliens and therefore heavily armed with those... BZZZT! laser thingies, I'm not going to be the one to say "nuh UH!" ... I find myself pulled into wild space battles by the crazy theremin and the hyper drums, amused by the unexpected mid-song voice samples saying things like "I'll take a can opener to that funny suit of yours and tear you apart," and generally entertained by the entire package of a good band with a clever gimmick and 16 original songs that rock hard amid the reverb. This is album number three for DESTINATION: EARTH!, and each one has been significantly stronger than the previous. That's good news for the rejuvenating instro surf scene.
"PLAY THE HITS OF THE FUTURE" CD ALAN TAYLOR, PIPELINE INSTRUMENTAL REVIEW, ENGLAND For their third album since they landed on Earth four years ago, DESTINATION: EARTH! have been on a trip to the future to bring us a preview of some hits to come... Guitar rock is alive and well in the 23rd century, and that's where D:E! take us with this lively album of guitar instrumentals. Boosted by touches of theremin, film soundtrack instros, and the occasional catch vocal, this is basically a great rockin' guitar instrumental set. Operating live as a three-piece, they wisely add an extra guitar track for recording purposes. Whilst drums and bass retain their extremely busy style, the second guitar part allows lead guitar the freedom to be more expressive and less concerned with filling every moment with notes. The results are still intense, but are more rewarding due to the scope for variation in the arrangements. "Tripwire" and "Suzy Space Cadet" come in at mid-tempo, while "Out of the Shadows..." has a decidedly early 60's UK feel to it. The "...Into The Sunset" portion [of the track] is a full 18-minute finale of atmospheric space sounds that gradually build and then fade away. The vocals are pure catchy pop - I find them irresistible - while the remaining bulk of the album finds D:E! in full guitar rock flight. It's dynamic stuff... with the band's pop sensibilities fully intact, it's also very accessible and a great deal of fun.
"PLAY THE HITS OF THE FUTURE" DAVY PECKETT, NEW GANDY DANCER, ENGLAND One of NEW GANDY DANCER's favourite instrumental rock trios are back with another storming visit to the furthest planets... All originals again, all with a lot of life to them and awash with exciting riffs and rhythms. Production is rocking, and it's an album with some crackling action. Harder edged than their previous set (and all the better for it), there's an urgency to the playing... For listening, partying or as background music for your next trip to Saturn, this is the one. A band whose music is indestructible!
"PLAY THE HITS OF THE FUTURE" CD THE CONTINENTAL MAGAZINE, BELLINGHAM, WA **** 1/2 stars! Destination: Earth! are back with their third full-length release, probably their best to date. The band are truly at their peak - sixteen excellent songs and not a cover in the bunch.
"PLAY THE HITS OF THE FUTURE" CD PHIL DIRT, REVERB CENTRAL/KFJC, SANTA CRUZ, CA Destination: Earth is in their own league, and continues to produce consistent instrumental rock... Picks: "MAGNETIC MENACE" *** This is an aggressive and well arranged rock instro, with a solid beat and big twang chords. It has an interesting super hero guitar line, and is relentless in its delivery. "TERROR FIRMA" *** An ominous opening leads to a cold distortofest with a cool bridge. Some fine string bending and/or whammy action adds to the danger. "TRIPWIRE" **** A lighter instro with a more surfable melody line, and a superhero feel. Whammy sting and circular licks are augmented with swirling Theremin and a solid beat. Infectious and well constructed, simple and interesting. "SPACE COWBOY PARTY THEME" *** Cowboys on steroids ride the mechanical bulls in Austin. That's the general tenor of "Space Cowboy Party Theme," though there's also more consistent intensity and less dynamics than that might suggest. "SUZY SPACE CADET" **** A splendid and fun melody, a groovy bass line, and interesting drums combine to create an off beat and intriguing song. I like this a lot. "OUT OF THE SHADOWS, INTO THE SUNSET" **** The bass opens this almost LOS STRAITJACKETS song. The production values and tone are not LS, but the melody and arrangement are similar enough to give you the idea... a very cool tune; melodic and bouncy, with excellent playing all around.
"BURNED ON RE-ENTRY - THE SOUNDTRACK COLLECTION" CD THE CONTINENTAL MAGAZINE, BELLINGHAM, WA This soundtrack collection also serves as an unreleased/rarities disc for D:E!, for many of the songs here are remixes or demos. Many of the songs originally appeared on their first two CDs, but the versions here are new, with additional instruments, samples, or in a couple of cases, more reverb. I'm certain not one to argue with adding more reverb! With 18 excellent tracks lasting a total of 72 minutes, this is probably my favorite D:E! release to date.
"ADVENTURES IN NEWSPACE" CD PHIL DIRT, REVERB CENTRAL/KFJC, SANTA CRUZ, CA Four Stars! A bit off the surf path into vacuous space, but this CD is a worthy side trip as you search for the perfect wave... Often inventive, the music within is never dull or dismissible. It is imaginitive, sometimes a little geeky in its humor, and always enjoyable. Ten instrumentals surround five dangerously odd vocals about space and aliens... Picks: "ADVENTURES IN NEWSPACE" **** Infectious thick chorded chunk, sub-surf guitar, theremin wails, and a cool beat all in the same bowl of sci-fi soup. Catchy, fun and memorable. It comes to a big whirling theremin end. "GATTLER GOES SURFING" ***** With a somewhat quirky melody, "Gattler Goes Surfing" splashes with a geek-clique tongue in cheek warmth and fluffiness. Fanciful and very cool, this finds its way into your brain like that commercial theme you hate to catch yourself whistling. A brillilant piece of construction. "JET JOCKEY IN ACTION" **** "Jet Jockey In Action" is fun, in a warped kind of way, with a rhythmic basis and too-fun riff and party pace. Warm and happy, without being soft and sappy. Great song. "STATIONARY ORBIT" **** Sinewy whammy chords and haunting surf guitar over soft, exotic percussion portray an image of sunset island off the coast of Mexico, or maybe just outside the asteroid belt. Dramatic and fluid. "SYSTEM FAILURE" *** Thick rockin' space grind, with whirling organ and chorded massive edge. Slightly melodic, somewhat dangerous, and sporting a brilliant break delicately plucked in stark contrast to the main theme. Nice track! "A SHOT IN THE FOOT" *** Slightly reminiscent of a death struggle between "Peter Gunn," "A Shot In The Dark," and "Have A Nice Funeral My Friend," this fine track makes new waves in strange places and leaves you satisfied. *Click on image at left for complete review.
"ADVENTURES IN NEWSPACE" CD DJ JOHNSON, COSMIK DEBRIS E-ZINE I love it! I get several fixes at once. I get my surf jones satisfied because they can really handle instro surf in the style of MAN OR ASTRO-MAN (samples and all), I get laughs... because they throw some funny lyrics into a handful of their tunes, and my diversity fetish is totally covered by their effortless pivots from the aforementioned styles to punk and hip-hop. There's so much going on in between and behind the focal points that you can listen over and over and find new things. Most bands do one or two things. DESTINATION: EARTH! manage a perfect blend of six or seven, and do them all very well. All the reviews compare them with MAN OR ASTRO-MAN, and they'll never escape it... but I have to tell you that, while I found my way to the 3rd wave of surf via MAN OR ASTRO-MAN, these guys could wipe the floor with them. Time to check out the band that could be the savior of the genre. Or at least the keeper of the flame until the fourth wave. http://cosmik.com/aa-october01/reviews/review_destination_earth.html
"ADVENTURES IN NEWSPACE" CD DAVY PECKETT, NEW GANDY DANCER, ENGLAND Not for the first time, the sleeve [of 'Adventures In Newspace'] is a tribute to the obvious wonderful "original" space instrumental album, and the group give an excellent and special mention of The Ventures in their press releases. The band, while adding some vocals here and there, are progressing nicely, and this space concept album is very clever, with some startling originals - The title theme of which is kind of Dick Dale meets Batman! Lots of rock dynamics between guitars, drums and organ on the likes of "System Failure" and "Jet Jockey In Action," plus the very Ventures '66 sound, which blends with The Police sounds of the 80's on "Pupil Pistol." Then there's the delicious outright surf cut called "Gattler Goes Surfing," which will please any listener. Very tight band with lots of original ideas - Some listeners will liken them to Finland's LAIKA & THE COSMONAUTS, or even early MAN OR ASTROMAN, but don't; they're great on their own. "A Shot In The Foot" is a grand, riveting track. Strong drums throughout deserve to be applauded. Excellent CD, which deserves to launch (all right, sorry) a lot of sales. A Winner! ****
"ADVENTURES IN NEWSPACE" CD KEITH HANNALECK, MUZIK MAN'S SOUND SCRIPT DESTINATION: EARTH! has landed and left us another great musical adventure. With a rocking combination of traditional surf, rock, punk, and spy, you will be launched into hyperspace. The group is even better this time around. This is their second release and there is a noticeable maturity in their sound. They add a lot of vocals to their songs, and it sounds really good. Usually groups that are known for the instrumental sound do not succeed when they attempt adding vocals. This group is an exception to the rule. They have a divergent new wave Devo-like sound with a surf-instro edge. The sci-fi theme is still in place and now they have added a spy slant to the story, kind of like outlaws in space on crack - Now that's a scary thought. Not only is this fun music, its good quality music, and it's made to play LOUD! Any good surf-instro group worth its salt (arrg! matey) makes music that is ready to blast out of the speakers. Fifteen tracks that kick some major ass comprise this power-filled space hot rod called "Adventures In New Space." I can see why they call it "new space," because it looks as though they have created their own niche for sound in the genre... This CD is a real blast, in more ways than one. My space brothers, DESTINATION: EARTH!, you have the MuzikMan's blessing. May your travels take you to new worlds to discover strange new life and bizarre civilizations! http://www.muzikman.com/destinationearth/html
"ADVENTURES IN NEWSPACE" CD ALAN TAYLOR, PIPELINE INSTRUMENTAL REVIEW, ENGLAND Destination: Earth! launched in Pipeline 48 with their 'Trapped In Hyperspace With' album, where I referred to their having a similar approach to Man...or Astro-Man! Whilst MoAM remain quirkily inaccessible to most RI fans, Destination: Earth! have further developed their more melodic style. The cover of 'Adventures In Newspace' mimics the 'Ventures In Space' album, both front and back. Their music is sixties based too, guitar driven with occasional Farfisa fills, but it has a modern, youthful drive and more than a touch of humour about it. The band members have taken sci-fi comic book names and dress in intergalactic warrior costumes. My favourite twist is in "Whore Of The Worlds," where the catchy MoAM song evolves into a wonderful spoof of The Doors' "When The Music's Over." For live gigs D:E are a three-piece, but wisely, in addition to the Farfisa, they add a second guitar track to fill out their studio sound. This also allows them the flexibility to develop some interesting arrangements. Choppy chords and punchy drumming enliven the title track with its fiery riffs, while "Stationary Orbit" is a moody, twangy ballad that builds and builds into "Whore Of The Worlds"... Damped reverb picking leads "Attack Of The Anti-Matter Men," with big chords for the chorus and a couple of soundtrack clips that are entirely appropriate. Farfisa decorates "System Failure." "Gattler Goes Surfing" is a lighter weight piece with the odd surfy phrase thrown in. "Hotrod Supernova" is a driving rhythm-led belter, while "Cast A Long Shadow" has echoey tremolo guitar plus power chords over a thumping beat. Even its brief space rap vocal interjection seems to fit. "Jet Jockey In Action" recalls the pre-reverb surf guitar style of The Belairs, whilst "The Pupil Pistol" could be MoAM at their accessible best. With a brief nod to "Peter Gunn," "A Shot In The Foot" launches into a heavy chord-crunching theme with a lightly distorted lead that includes some stinging tremolo. Finally there's "The Vacuum Effect" with its sparse arrangement and threateningly moody lead. Sure, Destination: Earth! are different. But they're not so way out that trad RI fans with a little sense of adventure won't be able to get into them... Try, it's fun!
"TRAPPED IN HYPERSPACE WITH..." CD PHIL DIRT, REVERB CENTRAL/KFJC, SANTA CRUZ, CA Lots of sampled or created bits a la MAN OR ASTRO-MAN? Some surf, some eighties influenced pop darkness, and many other interesting tracks... Picks: "N REMAINS CONSTANT" **** Plucky punkoidal bleakabilly, with an almost soulful riff. This is an unusual piece, and while not really melodic, its many changes and precise energy are very engaging. Dig the mysteries of surfing the outer reaches of space. "THE MUMMY FACTORY" **** Suave space'n'groove, like a funky version of the Swamis, with great percussion and a fluid structure. Excellent. "BOLDLY GOING NOWHERE" **** Almost an eighties new wave popster, with a spunky percussive backtrack, and a speedy riff with coy dramatic chop-chop changes. Pretty cool, like a "What Ever Happened To Eddie" (Butch Patrick aka Eddie and the Munsters) theme with weird science keys and no vocals. "SONNIE DOES THE STICK" **** This is a very nice surf piece, with a fluid melody line and a smooth yet funky bass line. The sound is moody yet crisp. I think this is the best track here, well crafted and engaging, with most sustained listenability. "FLYING FORTRESS" **** A glissando and tom toms open this tribal surf epic. It has an eighties LA surfband feel, yet is not dated. Very fine track indeed. I especially like the drum work.
"TRAPPED IN HYPERSPACE WITH..." CD KEITH HANNALECK, MUZIK MAN'S SOUND SCRIPT After performing in front on vast quantities of human life forms and having no desire to return to their home planet, DESTINATION: EARTH! has decided to give the earthlings what they clamor for. The carbon based units require excessive theatrics, good music and all around fun and entertainment to sustain their population. The group provides all of that by dressing up as spacemen and acting out a play by play script of intrigue and excitement... The music found on this CD is not of this world. Who ever heard of a surf-instro group that could sing, and do it well? You will bare witness of the proof when you hear one of the best songs on this disc, "Alien Loveslave." If that doesn't satisfy your saltwater palette, then all of the instro numbers will give you a supercharged rocket ride around the universe. It's a two-way ticket. Influences vary from third wave to traditional... This group is having the time of their lives, and making great music because of it. You get the best of both worlds (theirs and ours) with DESTINATION: EARTH! - An outasight stage show and echoing surf-spy-instro ringing in your ears. Yes, life is good on Earth these days. http://www.muzikman.com/destinationearth.html
"TRAPPED IN HYPERSPACE WITH..." CD IMPACT PRESS E-ZINE OK, are you ready for this? Take your favorite surf rock and rockabilly bands, strap them to a titan rocket, and blast them right the hell into space! What results is DESTINATION: EARTH! That's the only way I can describe this. These guys (R5-D4, 7-Zark-7, Raider-X) are completely immersed in the future and all things that belong there. This is surprisingly good, especially [R5-D4] who is one badass drumming astronaut. This is a lot of fun and is worth your dollars, or whatever they use in the future! http://www.impactpress.com/articles/junju100/musicr6700.html
"TRAPPED IN HYPERSPACE WITH..." CD ALAN TAYLOR, PIPELINE INSTRUMENTAL REVIEW, ENGLAND Although plowing the same future-time furrow as MAN OR ASTRO-MAN, DESTINATION: EARTH! have sensibly taken a heavier dose of melody on board. The lineup is 7-Zark-7, R5-D4, Raider-X & Gattler The Terrible, with 7-Zark-7 providing all of the material. "Sonnie Does The Stick" is a melodic guitar feature the likes of which you'd never find on a MOAM release - It's far too pretty. But the rest of the tracks are equal to anything that band has done, and they certainly make this album far more accessible... If you like your guitar instrumentals with plenty of youthful drive, and a touch of humor, then look no further. If all you want is more predictable fare from Hank or Dwayne, street clear.
"TRAPPED IN HYPERSPACE WITH..." CD DAVY PECKETT, NEW GANDY DANCER, ENGLAND ...Lots of energy and enthusiasm albeit a little light on melody, with a particularly hard working drummer. Guitars are driving as you would expect, and we imagine they'd be a real handful live in concert. All tracks are original material by the boys. Best cuts are the heavy guitar-led "Sonnie Does The Stick" and the frantic 12-bar "Idioblast Invasion." Whilst we don't understand the title, it's as good a slice of typical rock instrumental as you'll get. Should be very popular with the younger element... Good debut album from the group.
"TRAPPED IN HYPERSPACE WITH..." CD STEVE HAMMER, NUVO NEWSWEEKLY, INDIANAPOLIS, IN Four aliens. Five drums. Ten guitar strings. ONE INVASION! The permutations are endless! You could call the music of these surf-spy-influenced aliens derivative, but you'd be a dumbass and nobody would talk to you. These guys, who hail from a spaceship called Centre Neptune, have obviously studied their Madness and Specials records with a special emphasis on Dick Dale. Having said that, their live show is as compelling and fun as any in the state of Indiana at this time, let alone the rest of the galaxy
"DESTINATION: EARTH!" CD EP PAOLO NARDI, PARCO DIO ZINE, ITALY Amerigheni fuori di testa che sostengono di arrivare da Vector Sigma!!! Surf ala MAN OR ASTRO-MAN con qualche pezzo cantato; decisamente di alto livello. Se si LIQUID GERMS sentissero questo CD uscirebbero di testa perche sembrano troppo loro!!
"DESTINATION: EARTH!" self-titled CD EP JUSTIN EAGAN, FUMAGE ZINE, INDIANAPOLIS, IN They have arrived! DESTINATION: EARTH! is finally here, and their new self-titled release is packed full of other worldly melodies. The record includes five strong original songs, and one cover of Reverend Horton Heat's "I Can't Surf" (re-titled "Robots Can't Surf"). The CD version includes all of this, plus a special bonus track! I highly recommend this record for all fans of surf/instro music, especially bands along the lines of MAN OR ASTRO-MAN? or THE VENTURES.
11/02/02 @ THE FISHERS YMCA TEEN CENTER w/THE HOOLIGANS & THE REVOLT Destination: Earth! is a very very original band with a very original idea. They are a self-proclaimed surf, garage punk, indie rock band. I don't really know what you would call their genre myself; all I can say is it was pretty friggin awesome... They had some pretty wild sound effects, and a weird storyline, if you could call it that... I suggest you try and get out to see one of their shows. Even if it's not your kind of music, they are really fun! -Justin @ Losers, Inc.
6/08/02 @ RADIO RADIO DESTINATION: EARTH! w/THE VOLCANOS & THE TROUBADORS (Review #1) I arrived at the club Radio Radio in Indianapolisaround 9pm. On the bill were THE TROUBADORS, a SHADOWS tribute band featuring Ivan Pongracic's Sr & Jr., DESTINATION: EARTH!, a local Indy band that is kind of a space/surf/spy band, and THE VOLCANOS, a genuine surf band from the Detroit area.
It was really great to finally meet Ivan (I love the
SPACE COSSACKS), and much to my surprise, there were
other fans there: Trode and Tom from Cowabunga, and
TooFast Jim, the drummer for the awesome band The
NEBULAS. Trode had flown in from Santa Barbara, Tom
drove in from Ohio, Jim flew in from Connecticut, and I had driven in from Iowa.
THE TROUBADORS took the stage shortly after 10pm. They wore matching white shirts and ties, and had matching black Fenders guitars, of course... I am fairly new to THE SHADOWS, but they really nailed the songs... The band was having a great time and it showed. There was a lot of energy going on in their playing. It was a sight, seeing this 59-year-old white haired kindly looking gentlemen just flailing away on his Telecaster. His strumming hand was made of rubber!
Think Pete Townsend playing "Pinball Wizard" style
stuff...for an entire set! He was awesome...very
impressive! Ivan Jr introduced his dad before "The
Savage" and said we might just see the old man keel
over. He played it perfectly.
Ivan Jr. was also great, nailing those very cool Hank Marvin melodies effortlessly. He had some kind of echo effect, and it sounded amazing. The rhythm section was a powerhouse, very confident and precise. Ivan Jr. said we were going to see something "inhuman" for "Little Bee" and he was right. Drummer Dane played this amazing drum solo that lasted quite a few minutes. Very precise 60's-style drumming, and very intense too. At one point, the rest of the band brought out some congas, maracas, and wood blocks and played along. I was very impressed! They said they don't get to practice very much but they were very tight.
I did not envy DESTINATION: EARTH! for following THE TROUBADORS. They are a trio: guitar/bass/drums, with the bass player using his headstock to tickle a
theremin from time to time. They strung their gear up with these light bulb strips and had samples to intro songs. Their songs really rocked, with lots of
fast chords and some great loud rock drumming. The
lead lines were simple and dissonant with some cool
double picking on a couple of songs. They had their
fans there to cheer them on. Lots of fun. The club
owner cut these guys short by two songs...not sure
why. He seemed like he was in a hurry to get home that night for some reason. (He literally turned out the lights on us as we were chatting with THE VOLCANOS after the show!)
THE VOLCANOS came on around 12:35 am. Being stuck in
the Midwest, I have never seen a real surf band before live. Sure LOS STRAITJACKETS play some surfy songs, but even they would admit they are not a surf band. These guys were the real deal. Two guitars/bass/drums. Seeing and hearing them perform their stuff live was amazing. I was really blown away. The two guitar players traded leads within the same song, it was dizzying. It could not have been better. They played some vocal tunes as well, including FREDDIE CANON and ASTRONAUTS covers. The drummer was nuts too. He was having a great time, all smiles, while furiously pounding away. I heard these guys are in many different bands (including the Hellbenders) and don't play very much as The Volcanos. This is too bad. They are very talented guys.
So was it worth the cover charge and putting 930
miles on my car? Hands down I would do it again
tomorrow if I could. Thanks guys!
-Brian Neal, Cowabunga Surf List
6/08/02 @ RADIO RADIO
The fog is starting to lift and the details slowly
starting to emerge after a tremendous surf-related
weekend in Indianapolis. After two short hour-long
flights, I found myself wandering around the
symmetrical grid layout of downtown Indianapolis.
Once the screwdrivers from my brief layover in
Pittsburgh wore off, I reestablished my bearings and
headed for Fountain Square where I found Radio Radio, the mysterious club that does not show up on any Yahoo search I've ever attempted.
First up: THE TROUBADORS... What a killer set
performed by this extremely authentic SHADOWS tribute band - matching outfits as well as matching guitars. For a band that practices three times a year, and performs about as much, they were extremely tight. Excellent guitar work by Both Ivan Pongracic Jr. & Sr. Ivan Sr. is one of the best rhythm guitar players I have ever seen - playing his black Telecaster extremely fast and smooth through an hour plus long set. Ivan Jr's tone was right on - he was Hank Marvin with good eyesight; every little nuance of the original arrangement was captured. The drummer was also very talented, as was the bass player. Go see these guys the next time you can - you will not regret it. "The Savage," "Gonzales," "Man of Mystery," "Apache"... they played it all, extremely well. Props to the sound guy, too. He had the mix perfect.
Next up: DESTINATION: EARTH! Great hard-driving instro trio a la Estrus-era MAN OR ASTROMAN or MARK BRODIE. Originals were really good, as were the covers. Apparently they toned in down a bit and played a little more traditional, given the circumstances of the gig. Good guitar tone here as well, and a good mix overall. I really want to see these guys get out and about, and play out East or out West. Good stuff!
Last: THE VOLCANOS - What can I say about them? They blew my mind. I've loved these guys since hearing their discs, but never thought I would ever see them live. Totally smooth and traditional surf drumming. The guitar work was unbelievable, the way the two players traded rhythm & lead roles several times during each song with incredible precision was beyond belief. It just sounded so good. I'm ready to fly again, just to see these guys. They played many of their hits from 'Surf Quake' and 'Finish Line Fever,' including my favorite, “Whirlpool." I was just floored.
I think this was the largest number of die-hard surf
fans I've seen at a show at one time - even New York
shows don't bring this many fans from around the
country. Brian Neal from Iowa, Tom from the Tsunami
radio show in Ohio, and Trode from California flew out as well (the latter beating me for the
longest-distance-traveled award).
-Toofast Jim, The Nebulas
Saturday night we had a CD release show by the local purveyors of the space/punk/surf sounds, DESTINATION: EARTH! The show was TRULY a blast (ha!), and the boys were on fire. Their drummer... R5-D4, is definitely from the trash-metal/hard-core school, and the guy is fantastic, spinning out all sorts of groovy yet intense beats. This was the first show with the new member, a Farfisa-playing brother alien (forgot his name), and this addition makes their sound completely out-of-this-world. The show ended with about half-a-dozen women from the audience invading the stage and shaking it to their vocal closer, "Alien Love Slave"! Cool. I HIGHLY recommend their new CD, "Trapped In Hyperspace With..." - any fan of MOAM will dig it quite intensely. I also predict that D:E! has all sorts of crossover potential that very few other instro/surf acts have. Their music is intense, and I can see the kids that would dig today's harder acts getting into it. And their schtick, though derivative, is real good and pretty funny. I hope they start touring a bit more and get beyond the Hoosierdom soon.
-Ivan Pongracic, Musick recording artist
HALLOWEEN SHOW - 10/30/99 @ THE FOUNTAIN ROOM DESTINATION: EARTH! w/SARASWATI & MR. DNA The evening was kicked off by MR DNA in the lovingly cruel guise of an 80's hair band named LYKK. Wigs and makeup shamelessly paraded, not to mention grandstanding guitar solos & the singer's spandex-covered crotch enhanced by the presence of what appeared to be a well-hung gym sock. The faux metal band even had its own self-referential them song which repeatedly intoned the existential postulation: "We...are...LYKK...And there's nothing you can do about it." Noisecore gurus SARASWATI followed this with an original (albeit puzzling) soccer theme, with each band member dressed in matching uniforms & a coin toss between Chandler & D:E! Commander 7-ZARK-7 preceding the set. The songlist featured standby favorites with a couple new tunes thrown out there as well. An extra level of surrealism was provided by the fact that the band was under extremely close video surveillance throughout the performance, i.e., there was some serious geurilla filmmaking going on. Fortunately it was friendly fire & the bloodshed was minimal...DESTINATION: EARTH! rounded out the evening, showing off their latest wardrobe additions which featured multiple blinking lights and strange space headgear. This night found 7-ZARK-7 in an oddly playful mood--truly a rare sight that a space alien from a conquering imperial planet would permit measley humans to witness him letting his hair down--and yet he cheekily proceeded to insist that the SARASWATI setlist left onstage was in fact a request list which had been submitted. In another hilarious moment the likes of which will almost certainly never be seen again, the captain befuddled his crewmembers by launching into an inexplicable cover of "Every Rose Has Its Thorn," a violent contrast to the standard garage surf-rock fare for which the group is known. Might 7Z7 be launching a solo project to explore the tender side of an intergalactic overload's heart? Three-eyed antennaed young nubiles can only sigh and dreamily anticipate. The entire show was brought to a satisfying conclusion by an obligatory performance of "Alien Love Slave"...
-Steve Sisson, Shotgun Reviews, Bunk Films
*Click on image at left for complete review